Milikapiti Container for Cash Scheme

Past Event

Container deposit schemes were designed to reduce litter, so if you’d take it to a picnic, there’s a good chance you can exchange it for a refund.

Bottles more likely to be consumed at home such as milk and cordial are not part of the scheme. If in doubt there should be a 10¢ symbol on the bottle or can.

Here are some hard and fast rules:

  • Non-beverage containers such as shampoo and detergent bottles cannot be returned under any state scheme.
  • Beer bottles and cans are eligible in every state, however, wine and spirits are only eligible in Queensland.
  • Bottles and cans must have a 10¢ refund symbol, be liquid-free, uncrushed and have the barcode intact.
  • Lids must be removed in Queensland and Northern Territory, but if you’re in Victoria or New South Wales you can keep them on.

100% recyclable


  • Water (plain, still or carbonated) under 3L
  • Carbonated soft drinks under 3L
  • Sports/Vitamin/Energy drinks under 3L
  • Fruit/Juice-based drinks (less than 90% juice) under 3L
  • Pure fruit/vegetable juice under 1L
  • Flavoured milk under 1L
  • Alcoholic beers and ciders under 3L
  • Pre-mixed, spirit-based drinks under 3L
  • Mini plastic wine bottles under 250ml


  • Carbonated soft drinks under 3L
  • Alcoholic beers and ciders under 3L
  • Sports/Vitamin/Energy drinks under 3L
  • Fruit/Juice-based drinks (less than 90% juice) under 3L
  • Pre-mixed, spirit-based drinks under 3L


  • Water (plain, still or carbonated) under 3L
  • Carbonated soft drinks under 3L
  • Alcoholic beers and ciders under 3L
  • Pre-mixed, spirit-based drinks under 3L
  • Pure fruit/vegetable juice under 1L
  • Fruit/Juice-based drinks (less than 90% juice) under 3L

Liquid paperboard

  • Flavoured milk under 1L
  • Pure fruit/vegetable juice under 1L
  • Fruit/Juice-based drinks (less than 90% juice) under 3L
  • Coconut water under 3L

Wine and spirits

Wine and spirits are not eligible for a 10¢ refund in NSW, VIC, or NT. In QLD, however, wine and spirits bottles are approved for a 10¢ refund – here are some things to note:

Wine and spirit glass bottles with a volume between 150ml and 3 litres are accepted at all refund points regardless of the type you use. Cask wine and cocktail boxes and bags cannot be refunded – only glass.

The Queensland Government has given wine and spirit manufacturers until January 2027 to display the 10-cent refund markings, so until then wine and spirit bottles can be returned for a refund without the 10-cent label.

For more information head to the Containers for Change website.

Other plastic bottles

Large plastic bottles, such as milk containers and cordial bottles are not eligible under any state’s scheme. Small bottles, such as probiotic and health tonics are also ineligible for a 10¢ refund.

Why can’t I recycle everything?

Some containers may display a ’10¢’ symbol but still might not be eligible. These containers may not have been approved by the state government or network operator – or, the brand may not have registered the container in the scheme properly.

It’s worth contacting the company or your state environment member.

Event Details

Time: 10:00AM

Location: Milikapiti

Venue: Milikapiti Store

Cost: FREE

Category: Community Events, Council Events, General

Type: General, Community Event

Audience: All Ages


Contact: Tiwi Islands Regional Council

Organisation: Tiwi Islands Regional Council

Position: Media & Events

Phone: 0475067434



  • Parking

    Parking Availablle

Event Date(s)

  • Thursday 27th March 2025

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